Scott Paillant

Video games, exploring, and Capoeira
Brooklyn, NY
Time in tech
4 years
Presence Product Group

I am a Senior and I go to New York Institute of Technology. I enjoy challenges and in martial arts you have to face lots of challenges. It's similar to programming: You won't get it right the first time, but you need to keep trying and don't give up!

How did you get started in tech?

My high school allowed students to pick a major for the last two year, and on a whim, I selected Computer Science. Through initial hurdles and difficulties I became in love with programming and now I'm stuck with it every since.

What is your favorite thing about tech?

It is always changing so you can stay in the same industry for decades, but still be learning something new. The possibilities are endless.

How would you describe Tech to someone who has not been exposed to Tech?

A place for people who wants to make stuff happen. People who have ideas and make things happen.

Do what he does!


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Hector Gonzales

Traveling, working out, eating
San Jose, CA
Time in tech
4 years

I am a San Jose native and Senior at UC Berkeley. I have an interest in empowering minority community to not be limited to social constraints.A fun fact about me is that I learned to ride a horse before learning to ride a bike!

How did you get started in tech?

In a Summer Math and Science honors (SMASH) program. It introduced me to the tech company by taking me to the tech company by taking me to visit Pixar and Google during Senior Year of High School. Then I began coding when in freshman year of college: my first language was Python.

What is your favorite thing about tech?

The opportunities are only limited to your imagination and a motivation. The field allows you to explore multiple interests and many lives can be changed by ideas implemented through technology.

What is your favorite thing about tech?

As a Computer Programmer, we bridge the gap between human and machines.

How would you describe Tech to someone who has not been exposed to Tech?

As a Computer Programmer, we bridge the gap between human and machines.

Do what he does!


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Khira Momudu

Art & Crafts, Sewing, and Golfing
New Orleans, LA
Time in tech
7 years
Not Specified

I am an incoming senior at Arizona State University. I like gathering tools to complete a project, just like arts and craft. There are different  ways to do thing and solve problems.

How did you get started in tech?

I watched a video on a friend's Facebook wall. Then a year later, I attended my first Computer Programming course. My teacher encouraged me to go to Grace Hopper Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. I was expecting to be there for two hours, but I ended up staying the entire time and realized how you can work for cool companies and help to have an impact on the world. "Ding" in the Universe. You do not have to wait to make a difference.

What is your favorite thing about tech?

It's the current day and age: there are no boundaries and if you have an idea, the focus, you can do it. Just try! A fun project is teaching senior citizens how to code: being patience was the key. Anyone could do it.

How would you describe what you do to someone completely new to tech?

I would show the front facing aspect of what you see on a website. The cool design and buttons..

Do what she does!


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